One hundred and forty three

I was just thinking about the love of God.
And so much gratitude spilled into my heart that I had to share…

You know, life changes with every passing day. There’s an ebb and flow to it. I’ve found dear friendships can come and go. Family relationships go from wonderful to challenging. Most days my hubby makes me feel so very loved, but some days we’re distracted and don’t connect like my heart needs. The only love in my life that has been constant and steadfast, is God’s. It’s only me that does not always steadily rest in it, always trying to seek someone’s approval to fill my own need to feel loved.

The deepest rest is when I stop to realize all the love in the world rests on me simply because He is who He is. That cannot change because He is not changeable. Oh Lord, how would I do this life without You?!

I am so thankful for His unconditional love. No matter the state I’m in, or the ugly things in my heart, or the beauty to be found there. Good or bad, doesn’t matter. He loves, He loves, He loves and He loves some more…

Some times we complicate the theory of His love so much. Our human view is so limited. We can be so well-meaning too, as Christians, and yet, how can we possibly try to encapsulate in any expression Who and What and How He is?! We can only humbly live in Him and boldly love through Him and rightly leave the rest up to Him…

So, despite knowing full well how meager my words would be, I would love nothing joyjourneymore than to share with you how you might experience this grace too (for it IS such amazing grace)… Please know I’m here to talk to if you’d like– whoever you are, sweet reader. And more importantly, He is there. With love like nothing we can possibly describe or capture…



122 through 142

Some days, for whatever reason, my joy drops. I don’t always know why. Perhaps it’s hormonal. Or I just get tired of holding back the greyness that threatens to rain on my parade for a million reasons at most times… But today, Lizzie reminded me that to fight for our joy, we have to remember why we’re thankful. For every reason there is to feel the cold, greyness, there are two reason to smile. So I fight in list-form…

Things to feel thankful for today:
122.) For Spring
123.) For little ones who wrap their arms so tightly around me, and in so doing, wrap me tightly around their little pinky fingers…
124.) Hope
125.) For being able to create…
126.) For learning new things
127.) For L.M. Montgomery and her turns of phrases
128.) For every discovery I make in using my PSE11!!!
129.) My handsome husband. I didn’t really know we would become such good friends as well as lovers…
130.) England. I dream of you and long wistfully for you and all the memories and dear ones you hold…
131.) The cute way Terra held her Easter basket straight out in front of her as she wandered around Grandma’s patio collecting Easter eggs 🙂
132.) That the website is finished, and that I was able to figure out how to do it. I am still kinda amazed.
133.) For the helpfulness of my essential oils. I still watch in wonder as my Diabetic health improves all the time. So hopeful!
134.) Stillness & quiet
135.) Chocolate
136.) My baby bro and all the laughter!
137.) The way God lovingly and gently prunes me… and waits quietly for me to realize it’s Him
138.) Starting new chapters
139.) My Mom
140.) Hearing a friend’s voice across the miles in a recorded sermon he gave
141.) Sunshine
142.) This collaborative list of Eucharisteo and the friend/sister I (quite pitifully) keep it with…